Robo Minors WE Do 2.0

Designed for elementary classrooms, the WeDo 2.0 is a hands-on solution that ignites students’ curiosity

Course Info

Designed for elementary classrooms, the WeDo 2.0 is a hands-on solution that ignites students’ curiosity, while enhancing their skills in science, engineering, technology, and coding. WeDo 2.0 is based on a Smarthub (a miniature computer to program the robot), a motor, motion sensor, tilt sensor and around 280 building elements for two students. The software includes one Get Started Project with 4 modules, which delivers an introductory experience to the hardware, software and documentation tool. There are additional projects that will be conducted during the 6 day workshop to enhance student's understanding of scientific concepts.

Key Learning Values:

  • Investigating, modeling, and designing solutions
  • Engaging students in science by making it real and relevant
  • Basic programming skills
  • Collaboration and presentation skills
  • Critical thinking and problem solving

Sessions & Duration

There will be two sessions in a day, i.e., a morning session and an afternoon session. You can choose either one of them according to your comfort. The morning session will start at 10:00 am and the afternoon session will start at 2:00 pm.

Each session will be 2 hours long.

Course Fee : 8,800 PKR