Launch of Animation School at Inductin

On the grand day of 18th May, 2017, Inductin successfully organized the Launch of Animation School event in collaboration with Axon 313. Pakistan’s top notch professionals, personalities, government officials, retired military officials graced us with their presence. Students from various renowned Academic Institutes of Pakistan were also gathered to explore the world of animation. Overall more than 400 participants were present at this amazing event.This launching ceremony was inaugurated by the Founder of Inductin, Mr. Farrukh Bilal Qureshi. He welcomed the guests and participants. He briefly explained the innovative platform provided by Inductin for the professional development of the youth of Pakistan. He emphasized on the point that how Inductin is playing a key role in bridging the gap between Academia and Industry.

The CEO of Axon 313, Mr. Faisal Khawaja discussed in details regarding their company and how they are playing a major role in promoting animation in Pakistan. Regional Manager Autodesk for Middle East & Pakistan, Mr. Mohammad Saleh also addressed the audience. He discussed the various projects Axon 313 is currently working on and how animations will prevail the world in the future. Both were extremely delighted to collaborate with Inductin and they appreciated this innovative platform, exclusively designed for the youth.A panel discussion was also part of this event, as it was specially meant to interact with the students and discuss their career related issues. The topic of the panel discussion was “How Graphics can be your Career Choice?”. The moderator of this panel discussion was Mr. Zaheer Mukhtar who is a seasoned animator. Dr Mudassir Malik (Assistant Professor, Department of computing – SEECS), Mr. Uzair Zaheer Khan (Director/Producer 3rd World Studios), Mr. Yousaj Ejaz (Senior Concept Artist Barajoun Entertainment), Dr. Mustansar Tinauli (CEO, Fori Mazdoori), Mr. Mubashir Sadik (Head of Department CASE Business School) were the panelists. All of them beautifully enunciated on how the young generation can become experts of animation. They all stressed that Animation will become the next technological trend in the coming years and Pakistan faces a shortage in this field. They discussed in detail that this industry is much bigger than the Hollywood industry and how Pakistan can excel in this field and make a name for itself in the world. At the end of this debate, open Question/Answer session was held.
This amazing event concluded with Tea and Networking and the audience got the exclusive chance to interact with the industry professionals. An overwhelming response was received by the participants and they all appreciated the efforts of Inductin and Axon 313. Pakistan is a developing nation and the need of the hour is that we need skilled professionals and innovators to compete in this modern and challenging age. We firmly believe that this School of Animation will produce highly skilled professionals, who will not only make a name for themselves, but will also make their motherland proud.